word.id,word.ts,word.word,word.length,word.consonants,word.vowels,word.syllables,word.type,word.about,word.definition,word.origin_root,word.scrabble,word.unigrams,word.trigram,word.quadrigram,word.word_gram 1,"2021-11-18 02:14:24",Perfect,7,5,2,2,"You can use perfect as a article, noun, adjective satellite or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables article and 7 letters with the letters c, e, f, p, r, and t, 5 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter f. Perfect starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters p, pe, per, perf, perfe, and the ending chara","A tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect)",,"Is perfect a scrabble word? A 14 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","p | e | r | f | e | c | t","per | erf | rfe | fec | ect","perf | erfe | rfec | fect","second letter ethird letter is rfourth letter is ffifth letter is esixth letter is c" 2,"2021-11-18 02:14:31",Tuesday,7,4,3,2,"You can use tuesday as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters a, d, e, s, t, u, and y, 4 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter s. Tuesday starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters t, tu, tue, tues, tuesd, and the ending characters are y, ay, day, sday, esday, ..","The third day of the week; the second working day",,"Is tuesday a scrabble word? A 11 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","t | u | e | s | d | a | y","tue | ues | esd | sda | day","tues | uesd | esda | sday","second letter uthird letter is efourth letter is sfifth letter is dsixth letter is a" 3,"2021-11-18 02:14:35",Country,7,5,2,2,"You can use country as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters c, n, o, r, t, u, and y, 5 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter n. Country starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters c, co, cou, coun, count, and the ending characters are y, ry, try, ntry, untry, ..","The people who live in a nation or country; ""a statement that sums up the nation''s mood""; ""the news was announced to the nation""; ""the whole country worshipped him""","Middle English","Is country a scrabble word? A 12 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","c | o | u | n | t | r | y","cou | oun | unt | ntr | try","coun | ount | untr | ntry","second letter othird letter is ufourth letter is nfifth letter is tsixth letter is r" 4,"2021-11-18 02:14:43",Pumpkin,7,5,2,2,"You can use pumpkin as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters i, k, m, n, p, and u, 5 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter p. Pumpkin starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters p, pu, pum, pump, pumpk, and the ending characters are n, in, kin, pkin, mpkin, ..","Usually large pulpy deep-yellow round fruit of the squash family maturing in late summer or early autumn","Middle FrenchCompound WordsA compound word, pumpkin has more than one word within it. There's 2 words which are pump, and kin.","Is pumpkin a scrabble word? A 17 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","p | u | m | p | k | i | n","pum | ump | mpk | pki | kin","pump | umpk | mpki | pkin","second letter uthird letter is mfourth letter is pfifth letter is ksixth letter is i" 5,"2021-11-18 02:14:50",Special,7,4,3,2,"You can use special as a noun or as a adjective satellite in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters a, c, e, i, l, p, and s, 4 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter c. Special starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters s, sp, spe, spec, speci, and the ending characters are l, al, ial, cial, ecial, ..","A television production that features a particular person or work or topic; ""the last of a series of BBC specials on Iran is being shown tonight""","Middle English","Is special a scrabble word? A 11 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","s | p | e | c | i | a | l","spe | pec | eci | cia | ial","spec | peci | ecia | cial","second letter pthird letter is efourth letter is cfifth letter is isixth letter is a" 6,"2021-11-18 02:15:05",America,7,3,4,4,"You can use america as a noun in a sentence.","A 4 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters a, c, e, i, m, and r, 3 consonants, 4 vowels and 4 syllables with the middle letter r. America starts with and ends with a vowel with the starting letters a, am, ame, amer, ameri, and the ending characters are a, ca, ica, rica, erica, ..","North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776",Latin,"Is america a scrabble word? A 11 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","a | m | e | r | i | c | a","ame | mer | eri | ric | ica","amer | meri | eric | rica","second letter mthird letter is efourth letter is rfifth letter is isixth letter is c" 7,"2021-11-18 02:15:15",Freedom,7,4,3,2,"You can use freedom as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters d, e, f, m, o, and r, 4 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter e. Freedom starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters f, fr, fre, free, freed, and the ending characters are m, om, dom, edom, eedom, . Freedom is also a double vowel (ee) word. View the double vowel words list.","The condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints","Middle English","Is freedom a scrabble word? A 13 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","f | r | e | e | d | o | m","fre | ree | eed | edo | dom","free | reed | eedo | edom","second letter rthird letter is efourth letter is efifth letter is dsixth letter is o" 8,"2021-11-18 02:15:23",Picture,7,4,3,2,"You can use picture as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters c, e, i, p, r, t, and u, 4 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter t. Picture starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel with the starting letters p, pi, pic, pict, pictu, and the ending characters are e, re, ure, ture, cture, ..","Graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface; ""a small painting by Picasso""; ""he bought the painting as an investment""; ""his pictures hang in the Louvre""","Middle English","Is picture a scrabble word? A 11 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","p | i | c | t | u | r | e","pic | ict | ctu | tur | ure","pict | ictu | ctur | ture","second letter ithird letter is cfourth letter is tfifth letter is usixth letter is r" 9,"2021-11-18 02:15:27",Husband,7,5,2,2,"You can use husband as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters a, b, d, h, n, s, and u, 5 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter b. Husband starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters h, hu, hus, husb, husba, and the ending characters are d, nd, and, band, sband, ..","A married man; a woman''s partner in marriage","Middle EnglishCompound WordsA compound word, husband has more than one word within it. There's 2 words which are hus, and band.","Is husband a scrabble word? A 13 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","h | u | s | b | a | n | d","hus | usb | sba | ban | and","husb | usba | sban | band","second letter uthird letter is sfourth letter is bfifth letter is asixth letter is n" 10,"2021-11-18 02:15:33",Monster,7,5,2,2,"You can use monster as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters e, m, n, o, r, s, and t, 5 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter s. Monster starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters m, mo, mon, mons, monst, and the ending characters are r, er, ter, ster, nster, ..","(medicine) a grossly malformed and usually nonviable fetus","Middle English","Is monster a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","m | o | n | s | t | e | r","mon | ons | nst | ste | ter","mons | onst | nste | ster","second letter othird letter is nfourth letter is sfifth letter is tsixth letter is e" 11,"2021-11-18 02:15:48",Seventy,7,5,2,3,"You can use seventy as a noun or as a adjective satellite in a sentence.","A 3 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters e, n, s, t, v, and y, 5 consonants, 2 vowels and 3 syllables with the middle letter e. Seventy starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters s, se, sev, seve, seven, and the ending characters are y, ty, nty, enty, venty, ..",,,"Is seventy a scrabble word? A 13 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","s | e | v | e | n | t | y","sev | eve | ven | ent | nty","seve | even | vent | enty","second letter ethird letter is vfourth letter is efifth letter is nsixth letter is t" 12,"2021-11-18 02:15:56",Melissa,7,4,3,3,"You can use melissa as a noun in a sentence.","A 3 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters a, e, i, l, m, and s, 4 consonants, 3 vowels and 3 syllables with the middle letter i. Melissa starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel with the starting letters m, me, mel, meli, melis, and the ending characters are a, sa, ssa, issa, lissa, . Melissa is also a double consonant (ss) word. View the double consonant words list.","A genus of Old World mints of the family Labiatae",,"Is melissa a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","m | e | l | i | s | s | a","mel | eli | lis | iss | ssa","meli | elis | liss | issa","second letter ethird letter is lfourth letter is ififth letter is ssixth letter is s" 13,"2021-11-18 02:16:06",Nothing,7,5,2,2,"You can use nothing as a noun or as a adverb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters g, h, i, n, o, and t, 5 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter h. Nothing starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters n, no, not, noth, nothi, and the ending characters are g, ng, ing, hing, thing, ..",,,"Is nothing a scrabble word? A 11 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","n | o | t | h | i | n | g","not | oth | thi | hin | ing","noth | othi | thin | hing","second letter othird letter is tfourth letter is hfifth letter is isixth letter is n" 14,"2021-11-18 02:16:19",Jessica,7,4,3,3,,,,,"Is jessica a scrabble word? A 16 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","j | e | s | s | i | c | a","jes | ess | ssi | sic | ica","jess | essi | ssic | sica","second letter ethird letter is sfourth letter is sfifth letter is isixth letter is c" 15,"2021-11-18 02:16:26",Sixteen,7,4,3,2,"You can use sixteen as a noun or as a adjective satellite in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters e, i, n, s, t, and x, 4 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter t. Sixteen starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters s, si, six, sixt, sixte, and the ending characters are n, en, een, teen, xteen, . Sixteen is also a double vowel (ee) word. View the double vowel words list.","The cardinal number that is the sum of fifteen and one",,"Is sixteen a scrabble word? A 14 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","s | i | x | t | e | e | n","six | ixt | xte | tee | een","sixt | ixte | xtee | teen","second letter ithird letter is xfourth letter is tfifth letter is esixth letter is e" 16,"2021-11-18 02:16:36",Morning,7,5,2,2,"You can use morning as a noun in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters g, i, m, n, o, and r, 5 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter n. Morning starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters m, mo, mor, morn, morni, and the ending characters are g, ng, ing, ning, rning, ..","A conventional expression of greeting or farewell","Middle English","Is morning a scrabble word? A 10 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","m | o | r | n | i | n | g","mor | orn | rni | nin | ing","morn | orni | rnin | ning","second letter othird letter is rfourth letter is nfifth letter is isixth letter is n" 17,"2021-11-18 02:16:46",Journey,7,4,3,2,"You can use journey as a noun or as a verb in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters e, j, n, o, r, u, and y, 4 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter r. Journey starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters j, jo, jou, jour, journ, and the ending characters are y, ey, ney, rney, urney, ..","The act of traveling from one place to another","Middle English","Is journey a scrabble word? A 17 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","j | o | u | r | n | e | y","jou | our | urn | rne | ney","jour | ourn | urne | rney","second letter othird letter is ufourth letter is rfifth letter is nsixth letter is e" 18,"2021-11-18 02:16:51",History,7,5,2,3,"You can use history as a noun in a sentence.","A 3 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters h, i, o, r, s, t, and y, 5 consonants, 2 vowels and 3 syllables with the middle letter t. History starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters h, hi, his, hist, histo, and the ending characters are y, ry, ory, tory, story, ..","The discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings; ""he teaches Medieval history""; ""history takes the long view""",,"Is history a scrabble word? A 13 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","h | i | s | t | o | r | y","his | ist | sto | tor | ory","hist | isto | stor | tory","second letter ithird letter is sfourth letter is tfifth letter is osixth letter is r" 19,"2021-11-18 02:17:02",Georgia,7,3,4,3,"You can use georgia as a noun in a sentence.","A 3 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters a, e, g, i, o, and r, 3 consonants, 4 vowels and 3 syllables with the middle letter r. Georgia starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel with the starting letters g, ge, geo, geor, georg, and the ending characters are a, ia, gia, rgia, orgia, ..","A republic in Asia Minor on the Black Sea separated from Russia by the Caucasus mountains; formerly an Asian soviet but became independent in 1991","Middle Persian","Is georgia a scrabble word? A 9 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","g | e | o | r | g | i | a","geo | eor | org | rgi | gia","geor | eorg | orgi | rgia","second letter ethird letter is ofourth letter is rfifth letter is gsixth letter is i" 20,"2021-11-18 02:17:17",Fifteen,7,4,3,2,"You can use fifteen as a noun or as a adjective satellite in a sentence.","A 2 syllables noun and 7 letters with the letters e, f, i, n, and t, 4 consonants, 3 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter t. Fifteen starts with and ends in a consonant with the starting letters f, fi, fif, fift, fifte, and the ending characters are n, en, een, teen, fteen, . Fifteen is also a double vowel (ee) word. View the double vowel words list.","The cardinal number that is the sum of fourteen and one",,"Is fifteen a scrabble word? A 13 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more.","f | i | f | t | e | e | n","fif | ift | fte | tee | een","fift | ifte | ftee | teen","second letter ithird letter is ffourth letter is tfifth letter is esixth letter is e"