,skin_disease.ts,skin_disease.title,skin_disease.description,skin_disease.alt,skin_disease.category_1_x_skin_disease_id,skin_disease.skin_disease_image_id 1,"2018-02-05 21:10:01","10 Ways to Prevent and Treat Cradle Cap","To many people, there's nothing as precious, innocent or defenseless as a baby. That's why it may be more than a little alarming when babies develop discolored, scaly, crusty patches over their soft new skin. This condition is known to doctors as seborrheic dermatitis, and to the rest of us as cradle cap. Despite the name, it can involve not only the scalp, but also the face and other parts of the body. And it can affect toddlers as well as infants. As unsightly as the condition may appear, rest assured that cradle cap is both completely harmless and temporary. It's basically the infant form of dandruff. Nevertheless, it may be hard to look at such a skin condition on your baby without wanting to do something about it. If you'd like your baby's skin to be clear for the next set of family pictures, read on to learn how to combat cradle cap.","Cradle cap normally affects infants, but even toddlers have been known to get it. See more pictures of skin problems.","{ ""1"": { """": 1, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""1"": { """": 1, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/79/46/a1/df/7946a1df5605aa5e74396f2b003577960270d651.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 2,"2018-02-05 21:10:04","Top 5 Ways to Treat Diaper Rash","There's a lot for a baby to deal with in the first year of life: adjusting to life outside the cozy confines of the womb, breaking in nervous parents and posing for lots of pictures. And for more than one in three babies, life will also include the irritation and discomfort of diaper rash [source: Murkoff, et al]. It's an alarming sight for parents: buttocks that are red and splotchy, thighs that look rubbed raw, and genital areas that look inflamed. Some children may experience just a mild case, while for others, diaper rash only seems to worsen and linger. There are different types of diaper rash and different contributing factors. The soreness, rash and chafing that are the hallmarks of diaper rash can be caused by friction, moisture, bacteria, antibiotics and even chemicals. Generally, an initial irritant such as moisture agitates the skin, leaving the weakened skin susceptible to other factors such as bacteria. Fortunately, babies are less prone to diaper rash as they get older and their skin toughens up a bit. When it comes to fighting the War on Diaper Rash, the best offense is a good defense. As is the case with fruit flies in a kitchen, preventing diaper rash is much easier than getting rid of it. The following five preventive measures will help keep your baby happy, healthy and full of smiles during diaper changes.","You wouldn't be a happy camper if you had diaper rash, either. See more pictures of skin problems.","{ ""2"": { """": 2, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""2"": { """": 2, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/8d/1e/ac/5a/8d1eac5a01de2d9cce433bc9a907e09635034103.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 3,"2018-02-05 21:10:08","Baby Heat Rash","Being a parent is often considered to be one of the toughest jobs in the world. It seems as though new studies or articles come out on a regular basis telling you about something else you should do or avoid doing to raise the healthiest child possible. But you might look at it this way: Life is too short to sweat the small stuff -- especially when sweating can lead to heat rash. Heat rash is a relatively common condition, particularly in young children. It usually develops in hot and humid weather when the sweat ducts become blocked and clothing rubs the skin, causing redness and irritation [source: Rauch]. Although annoying and uncomfortable, the good news is that heat rash usually heals on its own in just a few days. More good news (especially for children) -- heat rash is not infectious or contagious. Keep Reading Below","Heat rash is common in babies because their pores are small and can get blocked easily. See more pictures of skin problems.","{ ""3"": { """": 3, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""3"": { """": 3, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/ed/66/57/d2/ed6657d2499cff26172eda46df18425189aa9c53.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 4,"2018-02-05 21:10:08","Cradle Cap","There are so many things to worry about as a parent with a baby in the house -- the foods your baby eats, the toys he plays with, the daycare center you use. So if you see scaly, flaky patches on your baby's scalp, you might stress out. Your baby is most likely suffering from nothing more than a bad case of cradle cap, or infantile sebborheic dermatitis. If a child has cradle cap, thick crusting and white or yellow scales may appear on his or her head. And although it may look pretty gross, cradle cap isn't actually harmful to your baby. It's a relatively common condition among newborns. No one knows for sure what causes it, but scientists think that genetics, bacteria that live on the human skin, stress, environment and general health may have a hand in causing the scaly disorder. Fortunately, cradle cap usually goes away fairly quickly. Keep Reading Below","Cradle cap is common among newborns, but the symptoms typically disappear within a few months. See more pictures of skin problems.","{ ""4"": { """": 4, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""4"": { """": 4, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/08/7c/b3/ca/087cb3cab2446ac284ae71825f1b30d26d17fb9e.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 5,"2018-02-05 21:10:12","Erythema Toxicum Overview","Unlike cars, babies don't come with instruction manuals. They don't come with warning lights, either. Being a new parent is a learning experience, and it isn't always easy. But it is easy to worry about something that seems abnormal, like a rash, on your newborn baby. Keep in mind, however, that rashes -- and a number of other conditions -- are incredibly common, and you probably have nothing to worry about. The most common rash on newborns is called erythema toxicum; you might be surprised to learn that it actually affects about half of all newborn babies [source: Rauch]. Don't worry, it sounds a lot worse than it is. Erythema toxicum may affect a majority of newborns, but it's also completely harmless. Most new parents don't know that, which can cause a bit of unnecessary distress. Keep Reading Below","Skin Problems Image Gallery Erythema toxicum is the most common rash among newborn babies. See more pictures of skin problems.","{ ""5"": { """": 5, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""5"": { """": 5, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/7d/4a/1c/10/7d4a1c10f6edcf74cc70e8e8ec59b869f5e282e1.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 6,"2018-02-05 21:10:14","Fifth Disease Overview","There are probably plenty of diseases you associate with childhood. And whether it's chickenpox, mumps or rubella, you usually know what to expect from them -- some sort of itchy rash and maybe a mild fever. Typically, these illnesses run their course without serious lasting effects. Similar in many ways to these other rash-causing conditions, parvovirus infection -- sometimes referred to as ""fifth disease"" or ""slapped cheek disease"" -- often gets overlooked or misdiagnosed. In fact, people call parvovirus fifth disease because it shares so many traits with four different childhood rashes: measles, scarlet fever, rubella and Dukes' disease. Like the others, most people get it as children -- as many as 40 to 60 percent of people have had parvovirus infection. Keep Reading Below","The symptoms of fifth disease are usually more serious in adults than they are in children. See more pictures of skin problems.","{ ""6"": { """": 6, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""6"": { """": 6, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/6c/97/74/cc/6c9774cc2a3356db7416f156667b54726e7e8899.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 7,"2018-02-05 21:10:16",Hemangiomas,"If you notice a spot growing on your newborn son or daughter, your first reaction is probably alarm. But if the lesion is small and red, there's probably no need to worry. You should definitely have it looked at by a doctor, but chances are it's just a hemangioma. Despite their ominous name, hemangiomas are just vascular birthmarks made from growths of extra blood vessels. They also happen to be pretty common; about one in every 50 babies develops a hemangioma [source: Greene]. Hemangiomas typically develop on the skin as flat, red lesions that grow over time, and they can be divided into two main types: capillary and cavernous [source: O'Malley]. Capillary hemangiomas, once commonly known as strawberry hemangiomas and sometimes called superficial hemangiomas, appear as raised, red growths on the skin's surface. Cavernous hemangiomas are sometimes called deep hemangiomas because they develop beneath the skin and bulge out, turning the skin above them a shade of purple. Growths that are both capillary and cavernous are called compound hemangiomas, and they tend to grow large [source: American Osteopathic College of Dermatology]. Keep Reading Below","Skin Problems Image Gallery Hemangiomas are a type of vascular birthmark common in young children. See more pictures of skin problems.","{ ""7"": { """": 7, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""7"": { """": 7, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/1e/63/a9/af/1e63a9afa038142890a73901f657867deee7df81.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 8,"2018-02-05 21:10:19","Milia Overview","Countless procedures and applications of topical exfoliating creams are supposed to remove and prevent skin flaws. But leave it to stubborn dead cells to find a way around your smooth skin routine, turning your face into a sea of pinpoint-sized bumps. In fact, your very diligent skin care plan may be at fault -- it can actually traumatize your skin and make you a prime candidate for milia. Milia are raised, whitish bumps on the skin that commonly appear on infants after birth, but adults can get them too. The miniscule, pimple-like cysts appear because dead skin cells are trapped in the surface of the skin or mouth [source: University of Maryland Medical Center]. The primary form of milia generally goes away on its own in both infants and adults. Adults, however, may also experience milia's secondary form, which requires some medical attention. Keep Reading Below","In adults, milia can occur anywhere there are sweat ducts, but infants usually get them on their faces. See more pictures of skin problems.","{ ""8"": { """": 8, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""8"": { """": 8, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/bf/ea/56/e4/bfea56e4d6d48eeb566f5173fca0f6f9881e8d41.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 9,"2018-02-05 21:10:23","Top 5 Ways to Prevent Diaper Rash","Uh oh. Your baby is crying, and he looks uncomfortable. When you check his diaper, you see blotchy red skin that looks like it's been burned. This is a classic sign of diaper rash. Diaper rash is a form of dermatitis, a skin rash that happens when the area of skin covered by the diaper becomes inflamed. A diaper rash can flare up when the skin is in contact with a wet or dirty diaper for too long, or if the baby has diarrhea. Diaper rash can also occur when babies starts eating solid foods, because their stool may change and irritate the area. Some babies even get diaper rash because their bodies react to the chemicals found in disposable diapers or detergents used on cloth diapers. Some cases of diaper rash can be severe, where the skin blisters, bleeds or oozes fluid. This may be due to a secondary infection and should be looked at by a doctor. Luckily, most cases of diaper rash are easy to treat at home and can even be prevented. Let's take a look at some of the tactics you can use to combat diaper rash.","Diapers can overwhelm a baby's skin, but there are things you can do to prevent a rash from occurring. See more parenting pictures.","{ ""9"": { """": 9, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""9"": { """": 9, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/95/c3/d3/b9/95c3d3b9985c5ef63bacf9195fa93e4738717175.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 10,"2018-02-05 21:10:23","Why are some babies treated with bili lights?","If you've ever been in the neonatal unit of a hospital, you may have seen babies wearing tiny eye shields under blue lights. It almost looks like the babies are in some kind of weird blue tanning bed. Those blue beams are called bili lights, and they help prevent newborns from getting brain damage or other complications from a condition known as newborn jaundice. Newborn jaundice, or hyperbilirubinemia, occurs when a newborn's liver isn't quite up to the task of breaking down red blood cells for excretion. The resulting buildup of the byproduct bilirubin in the body's tissues turns the infant's eyes and skin yellowish. Left untreated, the condition can lead to cerebral palsy, brain damage or hearing loss. Some amount of jaundice is expected in newborns, since the infant's liver has to take over the job of breaking down bilirubin for the first time -- the placenta and the mother's liver do the work before birth. If the jaundice lasts too long, is accompanied by other factors, or if the baby has risk factors such as being born prematurely, then treatment is necessary [source: National Institutes of Health]. Keep Reading Below","Skin Problems Image Gallery Bili lights help newborns recover from jaundice. See more skin problem pictures.","{ ""10"": { """": 10, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""10"": { """": 10, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/06/3e/db/d4/063edbd4ac657e433c7cf71b78950f04311743cb.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 11,"2018-02-05 21:10:28","What is a birthmark?","Many babies have birthmarks when they are born. Some birthmarks appear in the first few weeks of life. These marks can be red, pink, brown, tan or blue. There is no way to prevent birthmarks. They are not inherited, and very little is known about how they occur. Most are benign and fade in early childhood. Some birthmarks, however, may be more dramatic and cause cosmetic problems, or even be precursors to cancer. There are two major categories of birthmarks: pigmented and red. Keep Reading Below","The two major types of birthmarks are red and pigmented.","{ ""11"": { """": 11, """": 1, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:29:38"", ""category_1.title"": ""Baby Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""11"": { """": 11, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/7c/fe/dd/58/7cfedd589d4d1a43a765a18e38f8668c98d3feb8.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 12,"2018-02-05 21:10:28","Research May Show Why Acne Today Means Younger-looking Skin Tomorrow","If you're one of the jillions of people who endured acne as a teenager — or are still living with it — take heart. Looks like you'll have the last laugh as you age. You'll stay younger-looking longer than your clear-skinned friends. Scientists have long recognized that people with acne have fewer wrinkles and less thinning of skin than those who sail through adolescence on a sea of smooth, blemish-free skin. Some thought this was due to increased oil production. Now, they may have found another reason. In a study of 1,205 sets of female twins, 25 percent of whom self-reported having had acne, researchers in the U.K. found that the women with acne had significantly longer white blood cell telomeres (aka chromosome caps) than women with clearer skin. Telomeres keep cells from dying leading to less appearance of aging for those fortunate enough to have been born with those longer telomeres. Much like a plastic protector covers the end of your shoelace, telomeres keep chromosome ends from fraying, which keeps an organism's genetic information intact. Without telomeres, cells could not divide without losing genes. However, as cells divide, which they do throughout our lives to replenish skin and other organs, telomeres shrink. Once telomeres are too small, cells stop dividing and our skin (and other organs) begin to degrade. The shortening of telomeres has not only been linked to aging, but also to cancer and increased risk of death.   ""For many years dermatologists have identified that the skin of acne sufferers appears to age more slowly than in those who have not experienced any acne in their lifetime,"" said Simone Ribero, a dermatologist from the Department of Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology at King's College in London and the lead author of this study, in a press release. ""Whilst this has been observed in clinical settings, the cause of this was previously unclear.",,"{ ""12"": { """": 12, """": 2, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:33:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""Beauty Skin Problems"" } }",{} 13,"2018-02-05 21:10:33","How to Get Rid of Warts","One of the most common myths about warts is that you can catch them from toads. In reality, warts are usually spread through contact with another person, not an amphibian. And what causes the infection? Human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is usually discussed in relation to sexually transmitted infections, but there are around 100 strains of the virus. Only some of them cause warts, which can develop on the genitals, hands (palmer warts), bottoms of the feet (plantar warts) and just about anywhere else. Kids are more prone to them because their immune systems are immature, but children's warts also seem to disappear more quickly. Keep Reading Below","Plantar warts, caused by the human papillomavirus, occur on the soles of feet and toes and can be difficult to get rid of.","{ ""13"": { """": 13, """": 2, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:33:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""Beauty Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""12"": { """": 12, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/34/e2/08/ea/34e208eab1c856b167ec813375b3213aed640a70.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 14,"2018-02-05 21:10:33","5 Things to Know About Plantar Warts","For those of us whose mobility depends on our feet, a plantar wart can make daily life a real pain. Plantar warts look a little different from those on other parts of the body. They're found on the soles of your feet, usually where you bear your weight most -- the heel and ball. These rough growths of skin come in gray, brown or yellow, and what you see is only a tiny part of the wart. The rest is underneath the skin (and much larger). Plantar warts can go away on their own, but that may take years. Considering the pain and inconvenience they can cause, you want to know how to treat them -- and prevent them from cropping up to begin with.","Plantar warts, caused by the human papillomavirus, occur on the soles of your feet.","{ ""14"": { """": 14, """": 2, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:33:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""Beauty Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""13"": { """": 13, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/34/e2/08/ea/34e208eab1c856b167ec813375b3213aed640a70.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 15,"2018-02-05 21:10:38","Quick Tips: Red Blotches on Your Face","You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and, what is that, a pimple? Chances are good it is -- an estimated 17 million of your fellow Americans are also scrutinizing acne in their mirrors [source: Nemours]. But look a little closer at that red spot -- it may not be a pimple at all, but rather red, inflamed skin. If you suffer from red blotches on your face, you might be tempted to blame it on the elusive conditions of sensitive skin and cover up your skin's blotchy appearance with makeup, but do your skin a favor and hunt down the reason your skin is red to begin with. There are a few common reasons we find ourselves with red, blotchy skin. First let's talk about sun damage and sun exposure. You're familiar with sunburn, sometimes despite your best sunscreen-applying efforts. But for some people, exposure to sunlight can cause a red rash and blotchy, scaly skin -- this is called photosensitivity, and is can be caused by an immunological response (it's a sun allergy). Some medications including oral contraceptives, antihistamines and some types of antibiotics can also cause sun sensitivity, as can some exfoliating and anti-aging skin care products. Keep Reading Below","How can you get rid of annoying red blotches?","{ ""15"": { """": 15, """": 2, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:33:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""Beauty Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""14"": { """": 14, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/26/32/3b/12/26323b124d106969b388f05929e8a24853ae97f8.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 16,"2018-02-05 21:10:39","5 Things You Need to Know About Milia","From acne to sensitive skin, there's no shortage of beauty woes. However, there may be one you're suffering from that you may not even know by name. Have you ever noticed small, pearly-white bumps on your cheeks and around your eyes? Unlike acne, which most of us know when we see it -- and how could you not when it's probably big and red and right in the middle of your face -- most of us have these small white bumps but have absolutely no idea what they are, what caused them or how to get rid of them. First things first: These bumps aren't a rash, nor are they caused by an infection or an allergy. They're called milium, and milia is harmless. Most people find they only notice their milia because they see it in the mirror, not because it's bothersome. There are two primary types of milia: primary and secondary, and here we'll talk about what causes each type as well as what the treatment options are and how to prevent them. Primary milia occur most often in infancy, and we'll start our list of things to know with pediatric milia, next.",,"{ ""16"": { """": 16, """": 2, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:33:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""Beauty Skin Problems"" } }",{} 17,"2018-02-05 21:10:42","Reducing Acne Scars Image Gallery",,""" title=","{ ""17"": { """": 17, """": 2, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:33:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""Beauty Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""15"": { """": 15, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/53/43/6d/ea/53436dea900182a19a063b43aa3fb7aada70f948.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 18,"2018-02-05 21:10:42","At a Glance: Varicose Veins","Veins, like other internal structures of the body, are things most of us prefer to remain unseen. But when a condition like varicose veins develops, the gnarled, swollen blood vessels are on display for the world to see -- through the skin, that is. While this condition is rarely dangerous, it can lead to cosmetic concerns and physical discomfort. Varicose veins are caused when small vein valves begin to leak. The role of the veins is to return oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart. But gravity takes a toll on this process, straining the progress of blood flow from the feet and legs (which is where varicose veins most often crop up). This can cause one-way valves to work less efficiently. And, as a result, blood pools in the veins and causes them to enlarge. This gives the veins their swollen look -- and it's the deoxygenated blood that gives them their blue hue. Keep Reading Below","If you have varicose veins, consider compression hose, which help move blood back up to the heart and lungs.","{ ""18"": { """": 18, """": 2, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:33:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""Beauty Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""16"": { """": 16, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/cc/61/17/55/cc611755e29f779d0edc1f4c38dc20871a2c4715.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 19,"2018-02-05 21:10:47","At a Glance: Broken Capillaries","Slightly below the surface of your skin lies a tiny network of blood vessels that help distribute fuel through the blood and remove waste from your body. These vessels look like veins, but the branched structures are much smaller. They're called capillaries. Keep Reading Below","Prevention may be the best medicine when it comes to avoiding broken capillaries on your face.","{ ""19"": { """": 19, """": 2, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:33:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""Beauty Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""17"": { """": 17, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/18/38/4a/2b/18384a2b45f6e7d5ed6c9445b52ff4d8eb33ec81.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }" 20,"2018-02-05 21:10:51","10 Natural Ways To Prevent and Heal Bruises","Nobody likes going around with a bruise. People see a bruise, and they think you're living in an after-school special or you're a complete klutz. Both are bad, but luckily for you and your black-and-blue body, there are the plenty of all-natural ways to rid yourself of bruises faster. That way you wont have to cover those bruises with ecologically questionable cosmetics. 1. Ice Keep Reading Below","Patrik Giardino/Getty Images","{ ""20"": { """": 20, """": 2, ""category_1.ts"": ""2018-01-24 20:33:31"", ""category_1.title"": ""Beauty Skin Problems"" } }","{ ""18"": { """": 18, ""skin_disease_image.path"": ""/66/27/f6/5d/6627f65d4f7697b06680a5c780d76981c5a0f04f.jpg"", ""skin_disease_image.media_1"": """" } }"